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Orthopedics, Neurology, Podiatry, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy, Plastic Surgery, Primary Care, Psychiatry, Interventional Radiology, Critical Care Medicine, Dermatology, Hematology, Immunotherapy, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Physiatry, Proctology, Pulmonology, Urology, Behavioral Health

Condition/Disorder: General Health

Estimated time to complete: 5-10 minutes

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Medical Specialty: Orthopedics, Neurology, Podiatry, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy, Plastic Surgery, Primary Care, Psychiatry, Interventional Radiology, Critical Care Medicine, Dermatology, Hematology, Immunotherapy, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Physiatry, Proctology, Pulmonology, Urology, Behavioral Health

Condition/Disorder: General Health

Description: The PROMIS-29 Profile is a multi-dimensional health assessment tool that includes 29 items covering physical function, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disturbance, ability to participate in social roles, and pain interference. It provides a comprehensive overview of a patient's physical, mental, and social health.

Number of times: 29

Estimated time to complete:5-10 minutes

Scoring Method: Each domain is scored separately, with T-scores used to represent the severity or level of functioning in each area. Higher scores can indicate either better health (e.g., physical function) or greater severity of symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression).
