Elevate the voice of your patients with patient-reported outcomes

Engage patients, benchmark your performance, and identify areas for improvement with the leading patient-reported outcomes (PRO) platform

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Patient-reported outcomes are the most valuable currency in healthcare

Automatically collect and easily analyze health information reported directly by the patient with PatientIQ

How it works

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Automate PRO collection for a frictionless patient experience

  • Automatically deliver PRO surveys via email and/or SMS

  • Ensure high patient compliance rates with frictionless login

  • Engage patients directly in their care by incorporating the health information they provide into their individualized care plan


Tailor individual treatment plans with point-of-care insights 

  • Integrate the PatientIQ platform into your EHR to access real-time insights at the point of care

  • Identify early signs of complications or worsening conditions, allowing for timely interventions

  • Improve satisfaction and adherence to treatment plans by incorporating patient perspectives

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Maximize regulatory compliance & value-based care

  • Meet regulatory compliance requirements via automatic data aggregation and submission

  • Benchmark performance against other providers or institutions to identify areas for improvement and motivate change

  • Meet value-based care criteria by collecting and reporting on patient improvement and satisfaction

Why it matters


Properly leveraged PRO data can enhance individual care and drive system-wide improvements

  • Continuous information from patients about their health status and treatment experiences creates a feedback loop for providers to continuously refine and enhance care delivery on an individual level

  • By systematically tracking patient-reported outcomes, healthcare administration can assess the impact of treatments on patients' quality of life and overall health, driving continuous quality improvement initiatives system-wide

  • Easing the regulatory compliance submission process ensures participation and elevates medical specialties nation-wide

Deploy PROMs @ Scale


1 min read

AAOS Food & Ankle

Description: The AAOS Foot and Ankle Questionnaire is a patient-reported outcome measure designed to evaluate the...
1 min read


Description: The TKA Outcome Score is a patient-reported outcome measure designed to evaluate the symptoms, function,...
1 min read


Description: The HOOS Jr. is a shortened version of the HOOS, designed to evaluate the symptoms, function, and...

Who we work with

NorthShore MU OSU UMiami Oregon Health and Science Northwell USC UPMC UC UAB UNebraska Rush Mercy Health St. Lukes Mass General
AAOS NQF Restor3d MSSIC Onkos Embody OSSIO


Healthcare Organizations


Healthcare providers

